Spicy kiss

I was scared and a lot was running through my head at the same time.

"Nancy!" Betty taps my shoulders.

"You are not going to die, we are all with you. We will find a solution together. We will find the cure before your medication runs out," she comforted me as she hugged me and for some reason, I felt relief.

I was disappointed we didn't find anything at the scene, I was hoping to see the paws mark of an animal or prove a super being was there but nothing.

Roland's face turned darker.

"Let go back, there is nothing here. I will find my answers somewhere else," I said as I stood up from the ground and strode towards the car refusing help from everyone, I throw my eyes to the side close to the bush and sported a pen. I picked it up quietly and shove it inside my bag. my mum was right they did leave the car before it exploded, the pen belongs to my father or it could also mean my mum was the one holding it. I was in a daze.