No one but you

I made a grand entry at the school compound in my yellowish strapless dress, complimenting them with a black flat shoe but besides my ostentatious car, my appearance left people fixing their gaze on me.

I wear my mirrored sunglasses as I run my free hand through my wild golden hair that looks like a wig. 

I strode through the hallway to my class with Leo and Roland walking behind me. I could hear people talking and whispering among themselves. 

I have gotten used to it, I'm no longer bothered by their thoughts or what they have to say.

"Is that Nancy?"

"OMG, her new look is crazy,"

"Wow, she looks stunning,"

"I love her hair,"

"Do you know she and Baby are a real couple now?"

"Yes, I heard Alina and her brothers left town because of that,"

"You mean Alina left town?" A light smile lit my lips as I heard them talk about me.

"Hey, Nancy!" Ashley pouts as she and her cousins approach us.