Hello, What do they call you?

Zenab's POV

Growing up as the only child and heir to the throne of the Zamuniland leaves a lot of weight on my shoulders. 

I learn to be tough at a very young age, my adopted father the king and ruler on Zamuniland made sure I was fit to rule in his absence.

"Listen, boy, you need to toughen up, no king of Zamuniland is weak," my father the king will say. He died not too long ago. 

  My name is prince Zenab Azul, I'm 18 years old and from the look of things, you already know what I am and where I'm from.

Zamuniland is an isolated island from the rest of the world, it is the most beautiful place in the world, you think it is a lie don't you? And probably thinks I have not been to other places in the world but that is where you are wrong.

I have traveled to over 16 countries so believe me if I say there is no place like Zamuniland.

We have the finest green land and natural resources you couldn't find in any part of the world.