The celebration

He led the way as we trekked into the dancing floor. The background music was slow perfect for a utopian dance. With my permission, he twirled me into his arms as we move our bodies slowly to the rhythm. There was a reasonable amount of span between us.

As time goes on he tautens me closer to his chest eliminating the gap that was between us as a smile spread across his gorgeous face. My eyes sparkled as I watch him for a moment I forgot all about the people around us, I could feel all eyes on us, especially Baby's. 

The song came to an end, without us realizing it. The applause of the crowd was what draw our attention, other partners join us on the dance floor, while others just chat with each other, drinking and eating.

"Forgive my manners royal princess, allow me to introduce myself, I'm Assin Bones Walter the prince of the Tatis tribe, the second-largest tribe in Zamuniland," he sputters confidently.