Arrival of the twins

After undergoing a magical surgery, let me put it that way. I woke up with unbearable pains all over.

Zenab was standing right beside me holding my hands while everyone else stood at the corner of the room watching as if they were mourning someone.

"My baby," I scream pulling myself up. I might have passed out due to the pain.

"Oh my god!" Zenab exhaled deeply, and so did everyone in the room, especially Betty whose eyes were swollen because of excessive crying.

"Thank heavens you are awake," Roland whispered in relief.

"And the baby?"

"The baby and Nicole are doing okay," Roland assured me.

I fell back on the bed in relief. "How do you feel?"  Roland asked.

"Pains all over, goodness you didn't tell me it will hurt like shit," I pout rolling my eyes. 

"Where is Nicole right now?" I asked again, I don't trust her.