A narrow escape

After my stupidity of deciding not to hide but join Baby and Leo face thousands of angry werewolves that want me dead, my legs tremble in fear.

I clenched my legs tightly, they refused to put me out of my fear and anxiety. I stood there ready to face whatever may come out of the door.

The wolves all line up in front of us. There are only three of us, well two and a half. Their deadly glare made me frightened yet stood firm.

Already expecting the worst, how could I possibly think I could do this?

"Ready Nancy?"

"Anytime," I gulp looking around.

Baby and Leo stared at me and shifted their attention to the angry wolves in front of us. I know they feel the need to protect me but I ignore them and position myself ready to attack whenever they are.

"Just stay close to me, and when it's getting scary run to the vault." Baby chuckled, as he slightly bent himself ready to attack.

"Okay." I nodded.