Happy day

A bulky man with natural brown hair steps out of the car, his appearance gives me a chill, there is something about him I can't put my finger around. he must be Rose's father he throws a serious glare at me while he walks to the gate  "Nancy," Roland calls my name while walking up to me.

"Yes," I replied taking my gaze from the bulky man and now setting them on Roland.

"Oh you must be Nancy," the man said while removing his dark shade glasses and handing them over to the man next to him.

"Yes I am, I suppose you are Rose's father, well I left a message for you with her. I need to run along now." I mope as I blow my hair to my back.

"What an attitude you have, so what I heard was true?" The old man smirks as he glares at me with fake smiles.

"I'm sorry you feel that way, sir." I chuckled while he continued to glare.

"Good day sir, we were just leaving," Roland muttered as he pulled me to the car.