Birthday present

"Where is this place?" I murmur looking around.

"It's a temple and I want you to meet someone," Zenab sniffed tracing his hand in my hair.

"Someone?" I asked with a question mark on my face, seeing someone in this part of the palace mustn't be good news.

"Relax, not everything is bad, look over there," he mumbles pointing to the altar, I look up to see tablets mounted on the altar with light candles.

Among them were Mum and Dad, with their name carved on them 'IN LOVING MEMORY OF PRINCESS CINDERA NEO AZUAL AND TRAVIS NEO' I stare at Zenab with teary eyes.

"Yes, this is where we laid Mum and Dad to rest, with all that is going on in the palace I didn't get to bring you to see them," Zenab hissed as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Hello, there Mum, and Dad," Zenab mumbles as we face the tab.