Get rid of the bug once and for all I

I'm here brother, I will always protect you I mumble to myself as I place my hand on his shoulders as we head to the lab to see the real ground of the situation. As we came out of the corridor we were greeted by Pete one of the warriors and protected of the broader.

"How is everything, Pete?" Zenab asked increasing his pace as we strode into the lab.

"I have not seen anything like this before my prince, they are aggressive and nothing is going to stop them from launching an attack," Pete mumbled as Zenab tapped on the screen, he typed in something and a huge map of Zamuniland appeared on the screen, he zooms in to the border now he can see all of them.

"Are the red dots beeping them?" I asked confused taking a closer look, their number was increasing, and they were moving very fast towards the palace.

"Yes Nancy," Zenab replied without looking up at me.