I'm back part I

I woke up to see the twin lying beside me, I tried not to move to wake them up. The last thing I remember was Baby holding me in his arms as I slowly disappeared in front of him.

I need to send a message to him to let him know I was doing okay, he was so worried about me last night.

Luckily I heard Grandma's voice and was able to return to my original body, I didn't know how to return and Grandma was right I need to be able to control my power before getting too excited with it, it is like driving a brand new car that has no break a recipe for disaster.

"Mum," Barbara said softly as she tried to get the sleep off her face.

"Hello princess, I'm right here go back to sleep my dear," I whispered softly trying to tug her into bed before Barbie woke up too.

"I had a very bad dream, Mummy?" Barbara said with a muffled face.

"Really princess?"

"Yes mummy I dreamt you were taken away into the skies and you never came up," she cries.