I'm back part IV

I close my eyes and open them back to see Nico still standing there, he isn't here swapping my hands in the air in presume of deleting the scene, that was what my mind told me and I was just hoping it was a lie.

when I realized it was working I pinched myself to wake up and it hurt like hell.

"My princess, I came to check if those files are ready?" One of the workers at the lab had knocked on the door several times and when he didn't hear any response he pulled his head inside to see if I was there.

"Come here for a second," I stammered as I pulled him over.

"Yes, my princess,"

"Look over there and tell me what you see," I mumbled pointing at Nico as my eyes were glued on him.

"You mean this box?" He asked walking over to the side to pick up a box while staring at me confused, I wiped my eyes and when I looked back I didn't see Nico.

"Never mind, what did you say you were looking for again?" I whisper.

"The files,"