I will do anything

Baby's POV

They are trying their best to weaken our defence system.

Even though we didn't suffer many casualties, another attack at the moment is something the pack army can't stand.

"Listen up everyone, we are all heading back to the headquarters," I informed them.

"But alpha another troop is coming," Elder Marco shares concerned, we can't leave the battlefield when our enemies are coming after us, and looking at our situation we don't stand a chance the army needs to rest and recuperate.

"I know but you all need to rest, I will take a few soldiers with me to guide the entrance." I rumble, "Now help the injured ones back to the headquarters and have the pack doctor attend to them," I mumble. "Yes, Alpha,"

"The rest come with me," It was a good thing Nancy made us prepare some traps as part of our strategy, now is the best time for it. Roland also needs to recuperate from exhausting his powers.

"Are you okay?" I ask Roland.