In the hands of hunters

Torn between three paths and not knowing which route to take, what is the point of having all those powers when I can't even figure this simple thing out? 

I tried to rely on my instincts but I was too scared to trust myself, my thoughts were clouded with fear, I couldn't think straight at the moment, who would? I fear it will fail me since most of the decisions I took in haste ended badly.

"Which way Nancy?" Roland hissed gently.

"I don't know let's follow our instinct, on the count of three we will all choose one together," I mumble, even though it wasn't the time to gamble, it was all I could think of.

"Okay then," Roland whimpered, "three.... two... one!"

"Left!" I hissed holding my chin as both their voice came through at the same time.

"Right!" Roland muttered.

"Middle!" Baby mumbles.

We gaze at each other's faces, this won't do, the three of us choose different routes.