How close?

"Wait Roland can't we use the pendant to teleport to the magical land?" I whispered as Roland turned to look at my face as if I had said something impossible or perhaps stupid or both, I mean it got us here and it can take us anywhere.

I know for a fact that one can teleport to those the user has strong feelings for or those who have strong feelings towards the user, there is nothing more I wish or desire more than to see my kids.

I admit we don't know where exactly the magical land is really located therefore making it impossible to envision besides you can't envision something you have no idea about but I still have a strong connection with my children.

"What? it is not like it's impossible right?" I whispered even though it was dark I could still see the look on his face.

"Yes, I think Nancy is right," Baby mumbled as Roland rolled his eyes and gave him a deadly glare, what does he know that we don't?