Sunrise of hope

The word surprise is not enough to explain how shocked I am right now, is this a mere coincidence or not? I don't believe in coincidence but I'm beating myself not to think too much, I used to trust people so much and always give them the benefit of the doubt but I have learned to treat everyone as an enemy rather than a friend so my guard is not let down around them but there are still a few people who I will still stick my hand in the fire for.

Back to reality and not knowing what to think, I was left speechless and my mouth was left wide open apparently I'm not the only person in shock.

"My lady, it's so good to see you here of all places, I can't believe it," Pana giggled as she ran to hug me, my hands felt heavy to move to hold her, I was still in shock.

Yes, it's Pana, the same Pana my handmaiden who waited on me in Zamuniland and back in Akin city, 'why here of all places?' I had questions myself, as everything started to play in my mind,