We meet again - 2

After I heard all that Kara had to say and how she was rubbing it in our faces. She played with all of us and she was getting away with it made me sick, sick that my body was failing.

She wasn't done yet, we all just clenched on each other as she narrated how she pulled her master plan off, she was doing a great job fueling our anger and I suppose that was her goal and hell yes she achieved her purpose forget about everyone else I am more than furious.

"...you were supposed to go for the dragon's egg and the Harley leaves something no one could have ever done and you impressed me a lot Nancy, I could have gotten the dragon's egg all by myself because it was one important piece for the sacrifice but the Harley leaves was an impossible task and you pulled it off so easily, earlier I thought  I could get rid of you by sending you to the dark forest but well I know you can't die that easily, you brought the last piece of what was needed,"