Silence is not golden

Baby's POV

I brought out a long-sleeved dress for her and helped her put it on. "Are you mad for some reason?" I asked as I combed her hair gently. Her silence was unusual well let's say I'm worried because I don't know what was running through that pretty head of hers.

They say silence is golden but her silence is not golden even her expression says it all. I know how she can overthink things and draw her own conclusions and once she comes to a deadly conclusion then it is impossible to get it out of her head.

"Do I have a reason to be mad?" She asks back as I lean over to stare at her face. That beautiful smile on her face that seemed like a ray of sunshine was gone. Her face holds no emotion but I can't think of a reason for her to be angry, "Well no," I replied. "Then I'm not," she mumbled and now it was clear she was angry about something.