
Nancy's POV

It's one thing to be actually weak and another to appear weak and that will spark remorse but Baby didn't care, he wanted us to return as soon as possible just as planned and I'm sure it's because of the full moon coming.

He is making some plans to stay far away from me on the night of the full moon but after that night I'm sure he will torture himself and even go to his omegas rather than come to me.

Later in the evening, we were ready to go back, I had one of the maids help me get ready instead of Baby.

I take a deep breath as she does my hair and covers the dark circles around my eyes with markup. "See all the marks are perfectly covered," she said. 

"Yes," I hissed, I tried to cover all the bruises with a long-sleeved gown that had a neck collar and covered my face in heavy makeup.