I need justice

Nancy's POV

"Will you disregard the rules for her? She betrayed you right under your very nose, within the confines of your own royal palace," Princess Molly lamented, her words cutting deep into Zenab's emotions. He clenched his fists and shut his eyes, struggling to maintain his composure.

"Princess Molly!" Zenab shouted. "I implore you, my King, to deliver justice swiftly. Select a new queen without delay and ensure that this transgressor faces the rightful consequences of her actions," Princess Molly demanded, her accusatory finger pointing directly at Princess Sharon. Her words were a potent reminder of the scandal that had shaken the entire tribe, and the tribe leaders were in unanimous agreement with Princess Molly.

"No, my mother still holds the title of queen, and she is not a criminal," Tylor protested as Sharon embraced him, tears streaming down her face.