At the table

Baby's POV

I walked back to the dining room and everyone was seated except for Zenab, they can't start eating without the king right? As soon as I sat down next to Barbie, Zenab walked in.

The smell of the food hit me when they started dishing it out. I'm not hungry and couldn't eat if I wanted to. I have too much on my mind.

"Dad, when can I see the Princess Royal?" Prince Travis asked, he is his first son and is just like him, and for a moment I thought about what it would be like when my own son was to be born. It was a mixed feeling I didn't know what I was feeling anymore. 

Would I have wanted a son for power or just for the sake of being a father again? I guess we will never find the answer to that.

"My prince you should finish eating your food before it becomes cold," one of Zenab's consort whispered, she must be Princess Selene.

The young Prince rolled his eyes and stared at his father. "Not now Travis," Zenab replied calmly.