3 days continuous celebration

Nancy's POV 

In the quiet corridors of my memory, the last fragments I recall involve the heaviness of exhaustion, cradled in the arms of Baby that carried me out of the bathroom.

Since then, amidst the heart-wrenching loss of our cherished one and the enduring ache of an inability to shield our precious child, a remarkable journey has unfolded.

In the tapestry of life, I've learned to coexist with grief and guilt, acknowledging them as integral threads rather than anchors. Every step, even those veering into misjudgment, and every moment of farewell to significant souls, now stand as chapters etched in the book of my existence.

Yet, in this odyssey of self-discovery, I stand proud. Each trial, every stumble, and the painful farewells have sculpted me into a resilient soul. I refuse to barter a single experience, for they are the brushstrokes that compose the masterpiece of my life.