50..Bintang Interrogation session

-The Best Valentine-

Flowers do not bloom for no reason, but to invite beetles to share their honey.


Erlangga was born into a family with a hard upbringing at every stage of his growth. He also never denied it, even if it was with a single word. Because of that, his cold nature was also created, a typical custom of the children of high-ranking state conglomerates.

But the more he grows, the more Erlang understands what freedom is, and he wants to achieve it, even if only temporarily.

At first, Erlang saw Maura as a symbol of rebellion, his resistance to his parents. They will not approve of this inter-caste relationship.

His mother would be angry and his father would threaten him if they found out.

The bet with Bintang was just a cover. He could have ended it the first time they dated, but he didn't. Annoyance gave him more ideas.