61..Don’t Move

-The Best Valentine-

This is not the first time Erlang has set foot in Maura's house. This time was different. At that time, there were only Maura and her mother. This time other people greeted her.

"So, your name is Erlan?" asked Erwin, Maura's father.

As Erlang jacked up, he averted his eyes from the chessboard. Well, Maura's father immediately greeted him with a chess fight when he came. Like it or not, Erlang immediately agreed.

"His name is Erlang Uncle, not Erlan." Gio, who had been sitting relaxed on the sofa, straightened up.

Gio accidentally met Erlang when he visited early in the morning. At first, he thought Erlang was a thief pacing in front of the front fence.

"Oh, I see."

"Y-yes, sir. I'm Erlang, Maura's boyfriend. " His great-grandson half-whispered. His hands trembled as he grabbed the chess pieces when it was his turn.

Damn it!!