104..It doesn’t at all

-The Best Valentine-

Most of these men's weaknesses lie in their egos that are as tall as twin towers, but Gio's weakness lies in his emotions that have exceeded those of mothers who are protesting the price of groceries.


-Pegasus Dormitory.-

Maura held her breath for the umpteenth time. Her dark irises twisted with pride as she listened to her cousin Gio's overly chatty tirade.

"I've been told you don't watch dramas until you go too far, don't delay eating because you're too lazy to leave your room. You can't see what your body is made of. It's almost impossible to tell which one is front and back! Skinny like a stick, you know! "

Gio's arms rested in front of her body. His cousin's jawline was hidden by a faint twitch, almost swinging. While his gaze was still rolling in judgment towards Maura.