106..Reasons Can’t Let Go

-The Best Valentine-

There is one thing that will never return to its original state, the traces on your body.


"What's so hard about forgetting, you bastard!!" Luna let go of her hand. She pressed Maura's shoulder for mercy, pushing her up and looking her in the eyes firmly as usual. She didn't want Maura to turn soft just because she was too in love with a man she thought was a real jerk.

"Listen Ra!! We're in the real world, and there's no Cinderella in this world. What Mira said is true, we're too mediocre for high-class jerks. "

"Forget Erlang! Or we cut our friendship with you! "threatened Luna.

"Luna!" said Mira. She knew that both Luna and Maura were currently emotionally unstable.

Maura glanced at Luna, who was still clutching her shoulder as she tried to push up. "That's not the problem, Lun, I can't let Erlang go because he's already taken my virginity."
