144..Rabbit Carcass

-The Best Valentine-

Volume 2: Lakhesis, Connecting thread.


One by one, they came, harassed, and scared me together.

Maura Magen…


[ Maura's residence, November 23, seven years ago].

"Ra, relax. It's just a prank. You don't have to think about it."

Luna calmed Maura, who had been looking stressed for the past three days due to the gifts they had found today.

Maura glanced, "Th-that's Lun's rabbit carcass. I can still see traces of dried blood there." Maura could no longer describe how shocked she was at the thought, how uncivilized the person who had sent her the package was.

"Maybe it's just a prankster who's afraid of getting caught hitting a rabbit."

Luna was still stroking Maura's shoulder, trying to calm her best friend. "You don't stress. What's wrong with your babies later."