218.Gilang’s Arrival 1

-The Best Valentine-

Volume 2: Lakhesis, Connecting thread.


The sun had just shone brightly when his cell phone rang, Maura's name was clearly on it. Bintang took a deep breath, took off his glasses and then pressed the bridge of his nose.

Calls from Maura Magen always had a strange effect on him. The woman asked her to pick her up as usual, only this time it was the first time Maura had contacted her first.

It rarely happens.

Star stroked her hair roughly. The man looked at the blank wall in his room. Until a soft knock on the door woke him up.

"Come in ..." cried Bintang.

The door creaked open slowly, revealing the figure of a young maid wearing her uniform. Perfect black and white.

"S-master..." he squeaked softly.

The star jacked up, paying attention to the waiter. "What is it?" he asked coldly.

"I-a guest, for Mr. Bintang."