243.Minor Accident

-The Best Valentine-

Volume 2: Lakhesis, Connecting thread.


"Where are you?"

Luna furrowed her brows in annoyance. The heart's intention to calm the mind instead collapsed. He gripped the phone tightly which was now connected to someone.

Luna still didn't answer. He looked up at the night sky which was no longer emitting mega. The wind carried a slight aroma of roast beef from the back porch.

"Luna!" call someone from across there.

Luna took a deep breath. "At Maura's house. Why?" he asked sharply.

"Are you home? Are you sure?"

Luna growled in annoyance. "What do you think I'm lying!!" he snapped.

"No! Err....sorry for that." the man replied feeling guilty. There was a long connected pause before finally the man on the other side spoke again.

"Did you arrive safely?"