257.Ghost habitat

-The Best Valentine-

Volume 2: Lakhesis, Connecting thread.


Maura was silent watching the sunlight seep through the leaves and twigs of one of the small trees that were allowed to grow around their boarding house. Shrubs that still dominate and also some wild flowers that also grow.

Maura sat on a wooden bench, in one of the open spaces overlooking the outer courtyard below.

A light breeze was felt, ruffling strands of hair and sending off the distinct scent of the wilderness. It was completely beyond the predictions of the place Erlang meant seven years ago in the middle of the forest.

Maura looked around in all directions. He began to imagine what it would be like if they had actually occupied this place seven years ago.

Maybe it's not as scary as it is now. There is no grass and weeds that cover the road, also dust inside the house which is still visible in some inaccessible places.