291.After Graduation 5

-The Best Valentine-

Volume 2: Lakhesis, Connecting thread.


"What is she talking about?" Edward asked suspiciously.

He felt annoyed when he saw Renata with Andrew earlier. Moreover, the man's words that hinted like affecting his lover.

Renata turned around, she furrowed her brows slowly. "It's okay, he's talking as usual." he answered casually.

It wasn't the first time Andrew had offered her a relationship. For Renata it had often happened when she was still in high school.

Renata didn't know what was going on between Edward and Andrew. The two of them seemed to be involved in an invisible competition.

Edward comes from an old aristocratic elite family who upholds the traditional values of a noble family. Almost his extended family has led this country for generations. Edward's habit of living his life in an orderly and orderly manner.