The horse neighed intensely before they came finally to a stop. Her captor climbed down, the cavalcade had ended and they had finally reached their destination.

If she was asked to describe the way to wherever they were now, she wouldn't be able to mention a thing. Even if she went for a second ride.

Gwenyvere realized they were in a Hamlet, with very clean courtyards and aligned cottages. The village was surrounded by big timber trees logs forming a fort that would give a hard time to the enemy if they were to access the hamlet.

Gwen was surprised to see people here and there and children running happily, some women passed by looking at them with curiosity.

She saw a stable where the new horses were being taken to rest alongside theirs.

Horses they had stolen from her village.

People started murmuring and gathering in her wake, she didn't know where alpha had gone to, and nor did she know where some two barbarians she never set sites on before were taking her, she swung her arms angrily to release herself from their hold without success. She shouted as much as her voice permitted her to but the men to her sides were unbothered and finally took her to a place that looked much like an arena or a battlefield; it had big long bleachers surrounding a sandy big circle that was the epicenter. There, stood the man who has made her his captive.

He was strong and intimidating indeed, he had tied his hair in a little bun which made his firm neck more visible. He was still half-naked and that didn't seem to bother anyone but her.

Of course, they were all barbarians, manners weren't one of their virtues.

The last thing they could worry about was why the man in his late thirties would make a display of his brawny arched back and abdomen, matter of fact his trouser was hanging on his waist, and yet he turned to look at her and she couldn't help but wonder what will it be like if they fell off his body.

She rapidly shook her head. And gave him a fleeting look when he said:

"What is your name?"

"What is yours?" she asked back with no single sign of respect and Keane couldn't help but smile.

From the moment he has seen her he had wanted her; he knew she wasn't the type of female to yield to any orders, but that only made him more eager to mold her to his wishes.

He already knew the answer to his question but had wanted to start with her concubine nomination with the right foot.

"She is nobody!" shouted a woman from the stands and the rest of the spectators laughed in chorus.

Keane simply eyed her amused, he could feel the tension emanating from her body and could tell she was about to burst into anger, with just a slight push that he was ready to give.

His beta raised his fist and the whole place went quiet.

"Since you don't have a name, I will give you one, ceart go leor grá?"

The audience burst into laughter and even the bastard looked amused.

She knew they were Irish but someone had to tell them it was quite rude to speak another language when you know the person you were talking to wouldn't understand you.

Gwenyvere clenched her fist. If only she could break loose of the cloth around her wrist.

"What is your name," Keane said it this time like she was senseless "is cosúil go bhfuil níos mó mearbhaill air ná vampire sa ghrian" he said to his people and they all burst into laughter once more.

Gwenyvere felt like it was the straw that broke the camel's back and with all her anger getting on her nerves she screamed:

"Gwenyvere! my name is Gwenyvere" the place went quiet and she was breathing hard for the effort.

"Gwenyvere?" Keane smiled and looked at the audience "your parents clearly gave you the wrong name considering your attitude" he said this time in plain English.

"I could say the same thing, alpha," she said between gritted teeth.

The village members burst into laughter as well, including his beta.

He snarled strongly and growled as loud as a thunder.

Everybody panicked instantly including Gwen.

"Alpha fits me well enough now?"

Gwen stared at him in dismay, she could tell her whole body has turned as white as powder. She thought of running but she was running the risk to end up on the ground with her hands tied to her back.

"Gwenyvere, I alpha Keane Connor of the Red blood pack, claim you as my concubine in front of all my people, you will be getting the mark of my property in seven moons," said Keane loud and clear and everybody bowed down to his voice.

Some people weren't in agreement with his new decision but they would be crazy if they dare to express it to the alpha.

Was it her or did the man in front of her seem to have grown a few inches?

Concubine? claimed? marked as property!

She stepped back feeling the breeze in her bareback. He has done that to her and now she was going to be taken as his slave?

Over her dead body.

She surely knew what were the duties of a concubine, some have been her patients and had told her all sorts of things but not only that, she has seen them for herself.

Her mother has instructed her to never friend those women and to never step foot in their tavern, so she has done until the present time. She has never wanted to be a concubine and she wasn't going to start now.

"You will do as I say when I say so and wherever I say so" he stared directly into her eyes and Gwenyvere decided it was time to prove her point.

"No" she voiced and the crow reacted as if she has committed an abomination.

When the whole place went quiet and even the time seem to stop another man that look like one of his warriors came from behind him.

"Humans, they are always ungrateful," said the man almost as big as Keane bringing out a knife.

Gwenyvere stepped back clumsily and fell to the ground she thought it was the end of her life.

However, her raptor stopped him and took hold of the knife himself. He didn't take his look off her as he approached her.

"Did you say no to your alpha?"