Prologue : The Nine Heavens & Nine Hells

Void. The only thing that exist is nothing.

In this nothingness, a consciousness stirs. Looking around, seeing nothing, and then roaming aimlessly.

Then, this consciousness decided to touch this nothingness, the blank canvas. Painting the world with it's fingers, causing ripples to spread through the space, creating layers. Then, she made life.

This is the creation of the world. A mysterious being have spread their hands and let their almighty powers scatter across layers. Trees blooms, oceans rises, and land forms. The skies gave color to the world, plants gave sustenance, and people makes use of it.

Billions of years passed, and these people achieved a greater power. This is the mysterious energies that made up these world. With this power, they managed to grow stronger, going through heights impossible to mortals.

They are known as the Cultivators.

These cultivators trains, meditates, and breaks through their limitations. As they do this, they are becoming more. Extending their lifespan, comprehending the nature, and even achieving godhood.

This will later on become their path to get to the second layer. The first time they discovered the First Heaven.

Another billions of years, and gods now roams through these layers. They conquer them, and make it their own. Each layers more abundant with this mysterious energy than the last.

The Nine Heavens, layers that exists atop the world. The Nine Hells, layers that exist below the world. Both are impossible to get through without achieving the appropriate level of cultivation.

The Nine Hells were condemned, it's lands are harsh even for the godly immortals. It is impossible to live there unless they get used to it. It is called Hell because of it's capability to turn even a saint into a bloodthirsty beast.

The Heavens are the target of most cultivators. The place abundant of resources, beautiful beyond words, and is full of mystical sights. It is incomparable to the layers below.

As the people roams on these layers, a certain being smiles. Curiosity in their eyes. Then they look down on the middle layer. The Mortal World.

As the others were busy taking things, fighting each other for more, these one pointed on a certain place, and then they smiled once more.