Chapter 7 : Taking Care of Everything

This is my first time going to another area. It is good that I remember what our seniors told us when I first arrived here.

I entered and look around. I can see some of the maids like me cleaning the clothes with rinses and scrubs. They seem to be using water and some sort of soap.

When I entered, some of them turned to me before glancing at my robes.

... Oh right. There are some rankings here.

Servants who wears white robes are known as the lowest one. This also indicates that we are still new here. Those who have green sleeves in their white robes are heads. While those with blue sleeves are those who works here for a long time.

I heard there is a dark blue robe here with some floral patterns. They are a lot more higher than the Head Chief it seems.

They look at me coldly. I wonder why?

"Hey you! What are you doing here rookie?" One of them asked.

"Ah. One of my seniors told me to take care of the laundry and the dishes. So I came here to do that." I said.

"Huh. That's good then."

All of them stood up with smirks on their faces. Is there something funny?

"Here. Why don't you take care of our work. You seem to be willing after all!"

Is there something bad with that?

She seems to be implying that it is bad.

I nodded at them, and they widened their eyes. They look like they can believe that I will comply.

What, did they think I will refuse?

It's my job, you know?

The one on the lead snorted. "Okay. Make sure that everything is done properly. We will tell the head that your the one who did it if you mess it up!"

"Yes, Senior Sister!"

With a nod, they finally leave me alone. Now I am the only one in this room, their half finished work left in there.

It seems like I am the only one going to do their work. I don't know if it's normal, but because they are my seniors so I will do it!

Let's see. There are a lot of clothes here. Most seems to be the servant robes, though there are some that are obviously not for servants. Maybe it's the laundry of the family?

Normal Household Techniques can easily take care of this, but I think I can do something more efficient.

Like using a spell.

There is this neat Daoist Spell known as Cleansing. Which is like the Cleansing Technique, but this uses our Qi instead of manipulating the profound energy using certain movements.

Of course, I have taught this to my two friends. Daoist Spells are helpful for cultivation.

With a wave of my hand, all the clothes were taken care of. Seeing that the place are also a bit unclean, I also use the Cleansing Spell on the area. Now it looks so clean.

But. The place have some cracks here, and worn out parts there.

Hmm... this is unacceptable.


(Third Person POV)

The sun is just going to set when the senior servants decided to go back. They have a happy expression due to having the chance to see the Young Master of the Chu Family awhile ago.

They don't know if the lone newbie maid have done their job, though they don't care. If she mess up, they can easily blame her for it. She can't do anything because she's just their junior. They have a higher position than her.

While chatting peacefully, they entered the laundry room and was surprised about the interior.

The place looks like it has just been built. The worn areas and cracks on the corners are gone. All the clothes are neatly arranged from the servants to the ones for the family.

"What is this!?" One of the girls exclaimed in shock.

Then, they heard footsteps on the outside. Looking, they see that newbie maid walking back to this place. She seems glad when she saw them.

"Oh, Senior Sisters. I have been looking for you!"

The on leading them, Zhu Ziqing, steps forward while her thought still lingered at the surprising scene.

"What is it?"

With that question, the amnesiac girl smiled.

"I am going to tell you that I am done taking care of the laundry. I also took care of the flaws in the building so you don't have to worry about the building collapsing into you!"

She responded brightly. Her tone is so earnest. They can feel how honest she is with those words.

Zhu Ziqing stares at her, her hands on her mouth.

"You are the one who did it?"

Ming smiled at them.


"Anyway, I have done everything I can do for today. If you need anything else, please just visit me and I will gladly do it."

She curtsied politely before leaving the dumbfounded girls. The girls can't believe what they just heard.

Someone just cleaned all the clothes, and at the same time fixed the whole laundry room. It looks so new they would believe it if someone said it has just been built.

They can only stare at her receding back, their mind still trying to comprehend how she manage to do it.


(MC's POV)

After I take care of the laundry room, I try to look for my seniors to tell them. I can't find them, so I decided to do the dishes next.

There are some seniors from there who entrusted the work to me and leave me alone. Of course, seeing that other than the dishes, the place is also worn out, I feel it is unacceptable and fixed everything in there.

The Mending Spell, and Normal Household Techniques helps me with that.

I have notified my seniors in charge of the dishes about this, and they seem so surprised by it. I wonder why?

Anyway, after doing that, I go back to the laundry area to wait for my seniors. I am glad they are really there. I thought I would have to wait until evening.

Going back to my room, I go to the bed and prepared myself to sleep.

I am the only one working in this place, so I have to use some of my spells and techniques. Without doing it, I won't finish in time.

Hmm... I have a lot of scrying techniques and spells, but I think that would be bad.

I am curious about my two friends. I hope they are okay.

Well, I think I can wish them good luck. There are some oracle techniques I know that can increase their fortune without fail. I just don't want to do it because I don't want to meddle with them too much.

Anyway, I think I'll be taking of more work tomorrow. I have to sleep a lot more early or I might become late with it!