N / A: I wanted to make Rory fight the boss in this chapter, but I changed my mind at the last minute, sorry~

Hmm, I was thinking about creating a patre.on account as I would like to start earning something for the time I spend writing, but I'm not sure. I write as a hobby, and I don't take it very seriously, so if I create a patre.on, I would have to start taking it more seriously, in this case it would take a little longer to release chapters as I would spend a lot of time reviewing everything. And some things would change.....well, if I ever open a patre.on, I'll let everyone know.


-----[ First Floor: Forest Field ; 10 : 30 AM ]-----

It's been a day since the player's meeting, and now, all the formed party's were heading towards the location of the Floor Chief's door.

Before they left to fight the boss, Kirito, Rory, Silica and Asuna, had already met to talk and to get to know each other better, and with that, Kirito discovered that Silica and Asuna don't have much experience in party battles, and not even Rory has. But to his surprise, Rory is four level's above him, and Silica assured him that Rory is really strong. With this information, Kirito set up the formation of the party.

''All right, let's review our plan,'' Kirito looks at his party while walking beside them, ''The strategy Diabel adopted was very similar to what Rory said yesterday. As we are a group of four, our role will be to stop the [Kobolds Ruins Sentinels] who will try to assist the Floor Chief. So as not to take unnecessary risks, Rory and I will block their attacks, creating an opportunity for both of you, Silica and Asuna, to attack.''

''Hm...'' Asuna nods her head

''O-Ok! I will do my best!'' Silica raises her fists, trying to look confident.

Kirito is really nervous, and not only him, everyone, including Asuna and Silica are also nervous.

Then he looks at Rory, the only one who didn't answer him. She is the only anomaly present in this cluster of nervous and anxious players.

Rory was beside him, she is bouncing around with a big smile on her face like a child who can't wait to play with her new toys.

'Isn't she afraid to die? Or does she just don't care?' Kirito ponders.

Out of the corner of her eye, Rory realizes that Kirito was looking at her, she turns to him and sticks her tongue at him playfully.

Kirito responds with a forced half smile.

He really doesn't know what's going on in Rory's head, and he has a feeling that he doesn't want to know either.

Asuna looks at Rory suspiciously. Rory has been teasing her since they met, which was a day ago, and whenever Asuna looks into Rory's rosy red eyes, she feels that Rory is a dangerous person. If possible, she prefers not to talk and not interact with Rory.

But now, looking at Rory who is completely comfortable and happy even though they are heading towards something that might kill them, she is now sure, that Rory has some screws loose in her head.

'I shouldn't have joined her group...I have a bad feeling.' Asuna thought.




After a rather long walk, they finally enter the maze and find the boss's room.

Diabel stops in front of the door, and turns to the players behind him, ''Attention, guys. I only have one thing to say.....we will win!''

Diabel became the pillar of hope for the players present. They all believe in him. Diabel, by saying firmly that they would win, made them more motivated for battle.

Rory licks her lips and smiles, ''We will win....but at what cost, I wonder~?'' she mumbles.

''Okay, let's go!!'' Diabel turns to the boss's door, and with one hand opens it.

The players hold tight to their weapons, take a moment to breathe and prepare to enter.

Diabel, being the leader, goes ahead, and slowly everyone starts to enter, and after a few seconds, Kirito, Asuna, Silica and Rory also enter the boss's room.

Players look around, but the room is completely dark, they can only see a few meters ahead. And then, when the last player entered the room, the door behind them closed.


The door slams shut, startling some players, and leaving others more tense, and Diabel, who was in the front, gulped, for up ahead, on the other side of the room, he could see two red eyes staring menacingly at them.

Then, as if a switch had been flipped, light suddenly assaulted the boss's room, and everyone could see what it looked like.

The chief's room is a large pillared hallway leading to the king's throne, the floor and pillars appear to be marble, and the walls and ceiling appear to be made of multicolored glass, they emit a greenish pink light.

However, no one could admire the room for long, as on the other side of the room, sitting on the throne, was IIIFang.

Watching the players, he gets up and roars


IIIFang is over two meters tall, he is very muscular, his skin is covered in red fur, and has bloodthirsty copper-red eyes.

He picks up his bone ax that was resting beside his throne, quickly equips his shield, and then he jumps off his throne and hits the ground with a loud bang, stopping next to the players.


Above his head, his name appears

[IIIFang The Kobold Lord]

Blue lights appear beside IIIFang, and from them, four Kobolds in full armor and holding steel maces in hand emerge.

The players started to tremble and hesitate as they knew the fight was about to start.

IIIFang and the four smaller Kobolds roared and charged towards the players and Diabel, taking the initiative, points his sword towards the boss

''Start the attack!!''

At Diabel's signal, all forty players run towards the monsters

'' ''UUUOOOOOOHHHH!!!'' ''

The monsters and players ran towards each other, and when both sides reached the middle of the boss's room, they clashed.

The First Floor battle has finally begun.




''Squadron A! Squadron B! Switch!''

''Here comes! Squadron B, block!''

''Squadron C, keep defending and get ready to switch!''

''Switch, push, and prepare to attack from the side!''

The battle has already started for some time, Diabel stayed behind, giving orders and controlling the partyes.

Asuna, Kirito, Silica and Rory had the role of controlling and killing the Boss' subordinates, and that they were doing.


Kirito intercepts a Kobold attack with his sword and repels him, ''Switch!'' he exclaims.

Asuna appears beside him and attacks the Kobold who was still balancing. After attacking, she returns to Kirito's side and waits for another chance to attack.

Beside them, Rory and Silica did the same thing, Rory parried the attacks with her big black halberd, which was a reward for a special mission, and Silica attacked them.



If anyone who knows Rory saw her being so...passive, they would think she's an imposter. But there's a reason Rory is so passive, and the answer is in the Boss's waistband.

Rory looks at IIIFeng's waist, and sees a small crystal, it appears to be marble, and emits a strange black miasma aura.

That was probably the fragment she was looking for, or at least something like what she was looking for, because unlike what Gabriel said, instead of glowing, it looks more like a dark crystal.

Probably everyone can see that crystal, but they're too focused on the fight to pay attention to it.

What Rory is doing is waiting and seeing what can happen. She may be a battle maniac, but if there's any unknown variable that could be really dangerous, Rory won't take any risks, not until she's achieved her dream.

Returning to the battle, Diabel's party finally manages to make the second health bar of the IIIFang's four health bars, reach 0.

The players' morale was high, and they were absurdly focused, they were giving their all so they don't have casualties.

But when IIIFang's second life reached 0, what Rory had been waiting for happened.


IIIFang roars, and jumps back, fleeing the players' encirclement leaving everyone surprised, and from his waist, he takes the black crystal.

''Oy, what is he doing?''

''I don't know, was this in the guide?''

''What's that thing in his hand?''

The baffled players began to mutter to each other, but they never took their eyes off the Boss.

'What he is doing?! He shouldn't do this! And what is that black crystal?!' Kirito thought in panic.

Not only Kirito, but Diabel was also starting to panic, because like Kirito, he is also a Beta Tester and knows something is wrong.

IIIFeng with a quick movement, breaks the crystal in his hands, he squeezes it, and a purple black powder comes out of his hands and flies to the ceiling.

The players wondered what he was doing, until one of them looked up, his eyes widened and he pointed in the direction he was looking with a trembling arm.

''T-That...i-is that what I'm t-thinking it is....?!'' the player exclaimed

The players quickly looked up to where the player was pointing, and their hearts sank in terror. On the ceiling, a red message appeared.


''T-That is...'' Asuna started to shake in fear.

''The same thing that appeared when the GameMaster made the announcement....'' Kirito gulped.

Then, like the first day, the red message multiplied in the blink of an eye. The ceiling and walls that once seemed to be multi-colored glass were now filled with [ERROR] messages, and the bright room turned red.


IIIFeng roared to the skies and from the edges of Erro's icons, a slushy black goo began to fall to the ground beside him.

The black goo soon began to take shape, the players watched with horror and fear on their faces, many of them instinctively started to back away at the sight of that strange goo.

In front of everyone, the goo took shape. It was similar in shape to IIIFeng, but the creature is completely black with eyes so red they make the players shivers. Unlike IIIFeng, which has so much muscle it looks like it's fat, the black creature is thin, and it carries two long black scimitars in each hand.

''R-Rory...'' Silica hides behind Rory in fear, she can't even look at the creature without breaking into a sweat.

''What.....what the fuck is that thing?!?!'' Agil looks at the creature in shock.

All players, except Rory, are petrified with fear, as not only is the dark creature frightening, but what just happened also reminds them of the first day, when Kayaba Akihito condemned them to play this game of death.


The creature roars and its name appears

[%$@%$$# IIIFeng%$#%$@ERROR #@*!&%]

''....things are starting to get interesting~'' Rory smiles