Kappa From The Pond

A calm flight after the magnificent performance. MF could go faster than usual without minding her favorite black dress getting scratched by the air friction into dust, due to the better material that she created with the dark seed of creation.

Not only was it extremely convenient, it was an abusable ability! The only downside it had was the speed limitations of what MF could create as what she did wasn't a spentless creation, but an alchemical chemistry construction using genetic contraption.

What the black goo from her gauntlet palm provided was only the universal material, she could create literally anything but only when she knew the structure of the said object, or thing, or whatever in between.

Her angel vessel was the most precious reference she had for the current moment. If she could decode what was behind the otherworldly divine formation within the vessel, she might get the key to become a greater existence akin to gods themselves.