Follower Of Foreigner

"Ballum, wherefore thou art sending thy puppets outside of the Tyhja," said a titanic armored skeleton, in contrast to the xeno-space background and shallow purple liquid below. "An eld'r Evil liketh thee shouldn't meddleth much with the neutralization of Neamh."

In front of the skeleton's gaze, was a much bigger humanoid entity. Its sheer size was 100 times larger than the armored skeleton. The dense amount 'void' within this entity body was erupting and syphoning like a burning magma on a volcano

A booming strident yet clear voice was blasted by the enormous entity. It created an ominous ripple on the shallow liquid.

"Long friend, I've no heed to such a rule. What was your new name again? Abe? Just ingrain this to your skull, Abe, DON'T MEDDLE WITH MY MATTER."

"Maketh not me doth this, Ballum."

"I find it quite funny for you to still use that ugly vessel."

"Thee shan't looketh beneath it."

The cosmic entity began to light up in corrupted purple color.