Otherworldly Dimensions Are Pain In The Ass

MF scoured every iridescent tile in the wall to read every Codex possible. Because of the wall indefinitely moving like a vision from a stoner consuming extra drugs, MF needed to remember the pattern if she was able to find the Fragments Codex that she wanted to use.

MF had read around 3,000 codexes so far. Thankfully, she did that because otherwise, she wouldn't be able to read what in the hell was going on.

[ Kaleidoscope Codex 3# Subject: Occult Seed Documentation

An Occult Seed is the culmination of numerous entities or beings that have manifested their occupation through the condensation of 'Beliefs' and 'Faith'. Whether these entities existed in the material plane or World Line, it didn't affect their constitution or their influence on more than several Souls.