Abyssal Grail Ritual Part Two: Biting More Than One Can Chew

When someone stared at the abyss, the abyss stared at them. In this case, when the abyss stared at MF, she replied with an eerie smile.

The vortex tunnel below sucked the tampered essence of the Ouroboros and reconstructed its divine schematic of her divine power and began to gush it all onto the erinyes. MF, who was the master of genetics and all kinds of non-magic information manipulation, had added a sequence schematic that made her whole existence grander than those of a god although MF didn't expect that it would instantly turn her into a god.

'Unlike the coding of life, this is like an algorithm of encryption that solely relied on subconscious symbolism. Whoever made this ritual and the magnificent vortex, I applaud you for giving me something to play with~'