Asir And Ain Conversation

As time went on, the forest residents ended up holding unofficial cooking competitions among themselves. Many from the contender team wanted to step up their game. Each of them decided to bring their own special into the heavenly kitchen.

One of the Mandragora team that called themselves the Pine-Looter managed to surprise their adversary by bringing a former kappa they caught opposing and tied her on a wooden log. Currently, the Pine-Looters worked together to bring the special ingredient into the scene.

""Heave ho~! Heave ho~!"" The Pine-Looters chanted as they transported the log.

"Release me this instance! I shall not tolerate this kind of behavior against me—hmppf!?"

"You're loud~!" said one of the Pine-Looter Mandragoras. "It's the rule of nature, sweetheart. The strong eats the weak and the weak shall be the offering for the Almighty One~"