HENRIQUE CARDEÑAS was hugging his girlfriend, Ana Bastos, while talking to his friends irreverently about the same superfluous subjects as always, when he was approached by two policemen.

–– Are you Henrique Cardeñas? – Said the policeman almost two meters high, and as strong as a bull.

Both Henrique and the others at the wheel turned white as snow at that moment, after all, if those policemen searched them, surely the world would find the pots of marijuana they had bought a few minutes ago to smoke quietly and enjoy another breeze that perfect afternoon after they had killed the last two classes.

–– It depends... – said Henrique irreverently, calling attention to himself knowing that if something happened to him, his grandfather would immediately get him out of that situation, unlike his very poor friends – if he owes you money, it's not me.

Everyone in the circle laughed, except the police.

–– Funny... – the policeman held his right arm tightly, almost hurting him, lifting him with the other hand by the collar of Henrique's shirt – if you have run out of jokes, now you need to come with us.

–– Take it easy, big guy... – said Henrique, agitating himself – do you even know if I'm the one, Henrique Cardeñas? That's the name of the guy you're looking for, isn't it? I have my rights too, you know?

The policeman took the photo from his pocket and compared the two faces and nodded with his companion and turned to the boy.

–– If you take me seriously – said the policeman sharply, almost spitting in the boy's face – you will only have the right to remain silent while we are detained, for now, we just want you to accompany us, we need you to answer some questions for the police officer at the police station, but the option is yours, it can come without pain or a lot of pain.

–– Come on, your guard! Let it go, go... – Henrique started doing morning to see if the policeman fell into the same game he always played with his grandfather – I didn't do anything, man, my grandfather is dean here at the college, I'm sure he will clarify everything.

–– It is exactly about your grandfather why we are looking for you, so we want you to accompany us, he was found dead two hours ago, I'm sorry for the news, but now let's go.