AS SOON AS HE LEFT THE DELEGACY, Carlos Cardeñas' lawyer decided to look for Henrique everywhere he would normally imagine the boy would go, Claudiano Totti found himself a real failure as a detective.

How do these sons of bitches find people? - He thought while looking for the boy driving his BMW.

CLAUDIANO TOTTI ERA ADVOGADO had an office on Avenida Paulista and is one of the most respected names in the business, writing numerous books on Criminal Procedure, among other titles.

Currently he taught three times a week at the University of San Francisco, it was in this environment that he met Carlos Cardeñas.

–– PROFESSOR CARLOS CARDEÑAS. IT'S A PRIVILEGE to meet you - said Totti with a smile that would delight even the Queen of England.

Carlos Cardeñas greeted him solicitously - as was his usual custom.

–– I think we haven't been introduced yet – he said at last.

–– Of course, of course... – said Claudiano Totti –, how rude of me, my name is Claudiano Totti, I am a teacher.

–– From the University of San Francisco – interrupted Carlos Cardeñas – I've heard a lot about you, I believe that the honor should be mine for knowing one of the greatest jurists in the world.

Claudiano Totti was very embarrassed by the comment, mainly coming from a man like that.

–– You are the specialist here.

Carlos Cardeñas smiled cheering up with the subject, although he was not much given to friendships, he realized that that man was from his "branch", mainly when he saw an exuberant ring shining on his finger.

–– I believe we have something in common, besides teaching at universities.

Claudiano Totti noticed that Carlos was looking at his ring and said:

–– Well, apparently, we are brothers.

That was all that Carlos Cardeñas needed to add another illustrious person to his close circle of friends, especially a man as fantastic as that.

After that party, Carlos Cardeñas and Claudiano Totti started to meet at least twice a week.

The interest in Claudiano Totti's story fascinated Carlos Cardeñas, his theories were the most impressive, Carlos Cardeñas never imagined that he would meet someone as well versed in the occult and mysticism as he.

–– LET'S GO BOY, APPEAR, my life depends on it – said Claudiano Totti with himself, worried, already almost desperate for not meeting Henrique Cardeñas.