BERNARDO AND HENRIQUE WERE waiting for any bus to arrive. After he got all the possible information to help him unravel the mystery, he would put him safely together with Camila.

The two got on the bus and the trip went smoothly.

–– Henrique, do you already know what they are looking for?

–– I don't even know - he said thoughtfully - my grandfather was full of mysteries, sometimes I think it's one of them who did it.

-- Their?

–– I may even be ignorant in the matter, but I know his fame, my grandfather told me that in Brazil – Empire, what was most here in Brazil was Freemasons, a famous case that many people are unaware of is Tiradentes, he tried to be one of them and ended up being killed because he said he would reveal his secrets.

–– Not everything is how we think it is Henrique, not all the problems in the world are caused by Freemasons.

–– Of course, that is why it excludes this thought to some extent, but that Dom Pedro I and company were celebrating with this freemasonry move, it did.

–– I do not say that it is wrong, Henrique, but being a Mason at that time was a luxury, even more so in Portugal, one of the countries where after the persecution of the Catholic Church and France, it remained as a refuge for the Knights Templar, just look at the drawings of the caravels, all had the design of the Templar Cross on their sails.

THE TRANSCORRIA TRIP QUIETLY, when everyone heard two shots, the noise of the side window of the bus breaking, and the shout of the driver.

The bus started to zigzag for a few moments and hit some cars.

Henrique promptly jumped next to the driver and grabbed the steering wheel, stabilizing the bus, so he was able to see Armand on his bike beside the bus.

Even on the move, Henrique helped the driver out of the seat with one hand and took the wheel.

–– Do you know how to manage this game? – Asked Bernardo.

–– It is never too late to learn.

Bernardo took off his shirt and tried to stop the blood that was pouring through the hole in the driver's shoulder.

Henrique had never driven anything other than his grandfather's car, and that new experience had not been willingly, both for him and for the passengers, who started, some shouting, others murmuring, and others more praying in voice high.

–– For that bus, Henrique! We have to call an urgent ambulance.

–– I already called – said one of the passengers.

–– Thank you – said Bernardo trying to hold on – because Henrique hasn't stopped yet?

–– Take a look to the left.

Bernardo went to the side window, and looked out of sheer curiosity, he almost also received a shot in the middle of the smoke.

–– I will continue, when the police appear I stop, it seems they don't want me dead, for now.

The partner nodded worriedly.

But until when?

THE MINUTES WENT BY, and Armand accompanied him like a dog following a dog in heat. Henrique never imagined that he would ever need a policeman, and just on the one day he needed one, no one came.

Despite the tension of the moment, the passengers were beginning to calm down, no one until that moment had caused any disturbance, which was an excellent sign.

The first aid car that appeared was the Fire Brigade, and soon after, a Police car.

Then Henrique stopped the bus.

When he had the courage to look, the bike was gone.

Despite having lost a lot of blood, the driver was fine.


–– What?

–– These bastards always know where you are, it's like...

Bernardo looked closely at Henrique and saw an almost imperceptible device on the back of Henrique's pants.

–– Who put this on you?

Henrique thought about it.

–– I do not know...

–– Think about it, Henrique, has anything strange happened to you in the last few hours? Maybe a girl has pinched your ass.

That's it... – thought Henrique.

–– Actually, a man rubbed my ass last night, I left Ana at home and it happened, I thought he was a pervert.

Bernardo removed the device and placed it in the corner of the ambulance bed.

"LORD... WE LOST CONTACT, they must have found the tracker... of course... we will take care of the reporter first... of course... we will do that sir..."