HENRIQUE Woke up and his head was spinning like a full-blown windmill, it hurt too much to try to think of anything, after all, it was so many years without thinking of anything worthwhile, and now that he needed his brain, it was lazy. He tried to move, but failed, only a few moments later he realized he was tied up.

–– Rich? – Ana said.

–– Love, are you really?

She smiled and said:

–– Of course, I was so worried, I was unconscious for so long, I thought something serious had happened.

–– How long have I been unconscious?

–– About twelve hours.

–– Wow.

Suddenly, the two security guards approached her and slapped her that would have made anyone dizzy, but instead of crying, her smile brought a look of pleasure.

–– You crazy people – he shouted desperately trying in vain to free himself from the ropes that tied him to the chair – leave her alone, I'm the one you want, she has nothing to do with all this.

The two security guards untied her quietly and started tearing up her clothes right after, it looked like a movie scene, he was completely incredulous seeing what was happening to his girlfriend.

Henrique shouted in vain to the security guards.

As much as the two hit him, Ana did not protest. Henrique was completely scared and astonished by the whole scene, she seemed to be shamelessly enjoying all that wildness. Occasionally – while they penetrated her at the same time – she looked at him and gave him a smile of immense pleasure and nostalgia.

This can only be a nightmare...

Henrique passed out again.

ON WAKING AGAIN, Ana was again tied to his side waiting for him to wake up.

–– Is everything okay, my love? – She said quietly.

–– I don't know, I think I had a terrible nightmare – he hesitated for a few moments – really terrible.

She was going to say something, but she took a blow to the back of the neck and passed out.

The attacker came out of the shadows and almost passed out again when he saw her image.