EVEN BEING ON HOLIDAYS in Spain during his honeymoon, Bernardo Garcia was always diving headfirst into his journalistic work around the world, nothing gave him more pleasure in this life than seeing his articles causing the biggest stir on social media around the world. , and it's not because he was on vacation that he had to stop causing his problems around the world.

Lately, he's been way too quiet on social media, and that wasn't just worrying him, it worried everyone.

— What happened, love? – Said Camila waking up in the middle of the night, noticing her husband's concern who wandered around the house like a Walking Dead zombie.

Bernardo smiled, went back to bed and stroked his wife's beautiful blond hair.

— Nothing, dear - he said looking at the ceiling after he lay down, then turned to her - I'm just worried about work, there are a lot of strange things happening in the world right now and it seems I'm not doing anything to help.

— Something in particular?

— I was thinking about the murders that are happening here in Spain, everything is very confusing, nobody gets any clues.

— The ritualistic murders?

— It's so strange… But not only that, this wave of interconnected crimes as well.

— After the "Cardeñas Case" and everything related to Nazism, nothing is so strange to me anymore.

Camila remembered those special days very well, if it hadn't been for the murder of her history teacher, Carlos Cardeñas, she would never have conquered him, that was her golden chance to be with her great love of life.

BERNARDO AND CAMILA WERE on their honeymoon in Spain, learning the entire enigmatic history of their Templar family when the first two murders took place.

At first, she was extremely irritated by his mania for mysterious cases, but after a while Camila realized that it was impossible to stop him, it would end her life, even if it was worse than an addiction, the good part was that it always left her. help him and shared the credit for his victory, which made her in the face of every journalistic medium as good as he was.

— So," she said, "have you decided what you're going to do?" After all, we are on our honeymoon.

Her voice sounded in a pleading tone to make love again and not stop, as much as disappointed, deep down she already knew the answer.

— A part of me wants to stay here all day by your side, after all, not all the problems in the world must solve them, but... - he took a deep breath - the other part is restless, I know these deaths won't stop , is a homicidal maniac who is out there, waiting for the right moment to strike again, I am very worried, I feel that if I omit to do something, it's like I'm colluding with it.

Camila didn't say anything else, she just hugged him and they made love again for the fourth time that night.