THE CHURCH OF THE SACRED FAMILY designed by Gaudi was without a doubt one of the most amazing architectural works of all time, it was sumptuous in every possible and impossible way.

The old priest Ramón di Laviera was tipped to be the city's next bishop, he was sure he could now do much more.

Father Ramón was talking to an elderly lady about the Gospel of Luke being written for the Greeks, due to the care taken to be extremely detailed in many facts that the other three authors were not.

An extremely beautiful woman came to him.

— Good morning — she said to the old parish priest — father, could you hear my confession?

— Of course, my daughter.

The priest affectionately dismissed the lady and accompanied the young woman to a more appropriate place.

Because he never treated me like that - she thought indignantly.

THE TWO SET UP in the confessional, the priest said:

— It can begin, my daughter, the Lord Jesus is among us and will forgive your sins.

— Father, I'm going to make someone see the light today, I discovered that I have a very special talent.

— That is very good, my daughter.

— I think so too, Father, but if a person is still on the wrong path, does he go straight to hell?"

— Sorry, daughter, but I don't understand what you're talking about, where are you going with this?

— I'm sure I'm talking to Jesus, the great son of the Sun, only he understands me.

— But...

She fired three times.

— God is absolving your sins, you bastard, the eternal fires of hell will cleanse you, now there will be his new home.

The priest was dying and Nemesis still shoots the cleric again in the forehead.

She put her finger and wet it on one of the wounds and wrote on the wall:




— YOUR PIG — HE SCREAMED desperately — get off of me.

— You're a little bitch, you've always been...

The moment her father raised his hand and slapped her across the face, she woke up bathed in sweat and with her heart almost coming out of her mouth.

— Calm down little one — he said to himself — the nightmare will soon end, everything will be fine before the scheduled time.



I ALWAYS DREAMED ABOUT THAT damn day, it was more than torture for me, remembering my father still hurt in his soul, he was only ten years old. To this day, I can still smell his alcoholic smell when I walk into a bar, or I'm at a party.

He will always be there to torment me...

That smell of hell, a mixture of sulfur and shit, took days to leave my body, and because of that, my mother found out everything the priest did to me, but instead of defending me, she said I was a whore for allowing this...

As if I had other options at that moment.

I was only eight years old, playing with the priest's nephew in the chapel.

— What are they doing? — Said the priest with a smile on his face.

— We're joking, uncle — said the boy.

— Playing? Know...

I don't know why, but the priest's eyes took on an expression I had never seen in my entire life until that moment.

The darkness that dwells in the human heart... the Black Sun that rises.

THE CHURCH, ACCORDING TO my grandmother, would help me get closer to God and change my family's history.

The priest took us to his room.

— Now let's talk like grown-ups, what were you doing?

The boy tried to say something, but the priest gave him a violent slap in the face, sparing no strength.

— It's time they learned to pray the old-fashioned way.

The priest made us take off our clothes and caress each other.

— In ancient times, the way people saw God was by doing this, man when he came was in a spiritual trance, his mind was completely empty, with that he could enter a different spiritual level, today you will know this spiritual level.

— But... — I tried to protest.

Like the boy, I took a hit too.

— What part didn't you two understand?

WHAT WAS A JOKE started to become routine, I begged my grandmother not to take me to church anymore – but she also told me why – she insisted that Father Ramón insisted on my presence.

That went on for four long years.

The worst thing of all is that I didn't trust people, and my mistake was to trust some, one of them was Father Ramón, who didn't even hear my story, and after that, instead of helping me, he took me to that room, beat me, abused me and his nephew countless times.

I TURNED TWELVE YEARS OLD and my father appeared, not only was he drunk, he seemed possessed by some kind of demon, his eyes spitting out a completely different hatred from the conventional one.

My father slapped me and began violently ripping my clothes as despair seemed to take over me.

Even though I was screaming, it seemed like no one heard my scream.

Not even God.

Nobody came to help me.

I struggled while my father beat me, but in an act of total despair, I felt that I had no more life of my own, he moved at that moment and I became a mere spectator of a misfortune. I took hold of a pen he used to write my diary on the furniture beside his bed, punctured it nineteen times as far as I could count-until he threw himself out of the window, fleeing my fury.

The last time I saw him, his shadow was running away to some damn place he never returned from...

My mother, a week later, was placed in a rehabilitation center for the mentally handicapped and I never saw her again, until the night I made her pay the price for her neglect of me, blowing up the car was too fast, she should have suffered slowly. , but what was done could not be changed.

Being purified with fire was a gift, not a punishment...

The next victim is my father, after fifteen long years I finally found him, the bastard who made me have nightmares every damn day of my life.