— SANDRO — CAMILA STARTED — The most adored object of all time is the Sun, the king star without which life on earth would not be possible, since very early on humans realized that the sun was responsible for life on earth, as everything that we consider superior to us, but embodying it with human characteristics, one of the examples is Horus the Egyptian Sun God. The Story of Horus is something very familiar.

— Horus was born on the 25th of December of a virgin. At the age of ten he became a teacher and traveled the earth in the company of a group of disciples performing miracles, at the age of thirty he died and was resurrected after three days.

— Then? — She said trying to impress them both.

— Okay — said Bernardo — it sounds like the story of Jesus, so what?

She smiled and continued.

— Egyptian mythology is made up of mysteries and secrets. Each deity contains its meanings and are related to natural phenomena. Within this mythology, there is the science of Ra, who is considered the main deity of Egyptian mythology, known as the sun god, due to the importance of light for the production of food. According to mythology, Ra in addition to being considered the Sun god, is also called the creator of the gods and the divine order, he would have received dominion over the Earth from his father, but the world had yet to be finished, and even so, he was in charge of finish it.

— His belief resembles the creation of the world for Christians, however, it contains some differences. It is described that Ra tried so hard to finish the work of creation that he wept, and his tears were bathing the ground, so he made the man and the woman emerge, so everything that grew on the fields was given to them to feed, Ra did not miss the fresh wind, nor the heat of the sun, nor the floods or ebbs of the Nile. With this comes the denomination that the Egyptians were 'the flock of Ra'.

— Ra's wife was Nut, his sons were Hathor, Osiris, Seth, Horus, and Maet, but in total, the Egyptian Pantheon was configured by twelve gods, as were the Greek, Roman, and the most well-known pantheon of the last two thousand. years, the twelve apostles of Jesus, although the bible describes fourteen.

— What you mean is that...

— Not everything we know about Christianity was made by Jesus — said Bernardo — one of the theories is that Christianity was originally a sect that was formed in the Nile valley by nomadic peoples, they joined the concept of a single God of the Jews with the Egyptian mythology of the time to the idea of a God who forgives and is kind, probably the people at that time were fed up with vengeful gods, the concept worked and the sect grew to such a degree that the Romans adopted it as a religion.

— Just so you can easily understand the exchange of cults proposed by the Council of Nicae — she continued — the traditional Feast of St. which the Sun was honored with fire, the supreme light, which man offered to the heathen deities.

— In this way, two festivals dedicated to fire emerged: the summer festival on July 2nd to 22nd, and the winter festival on December 21st to 22nd. Due to the weather, in December in the countries of the Northern Hemisphere, the feast of Saint John became the most popular. For something more cultural. The peoples of the southern hemisphere began to celebrate the feast of the Sun, in June, during Saint John's day. This current manifestation, dedicated to a saint of the Catholic Church, crossed millennia without undergoing major changes, as the cult of fire remained deeply associated with the human heart.

— The probable reason for the adoption of the 25th of December is that the early Christians wanted the date to coincide with the pagan feast of the Romans dedicated "to the birth of the unconquered sun", commemorating the winter solstice. In the Roman world, Saturnalia, celebrated on December 17, was a time of joy and gift-giving. December 25th was also seen as the birth of the mysterious Iranian god Mithra, the Sun of Virtue.

— Nimrod is generally known as the first sun god that mankind adopted and named, he liked to sleep under a tree, and after his death, to honor him, every December 25th they carried gifts under a tree, coincidence of facts and Christmas dates? On the Roman New Year, celebrated on January 1, there was a custom to decorate houses with foliage and give gifts to children and the poor.

— To these customs were added the Germanic and Celtic Christmas rites, later, the Teutonic tribes penetrated into Gaul, Great Britain and central Europe. The log, Christmas cake, foliage, pine tree, gifts and greetings commemorate different aspects of this festivity.

— The fires and lights are symbols of tenderness and long life. And just to prove the potency of the number three in their belief, 25 was exactly three days before birth, or, as most convinced Christians like to remember, the resurrection on the third day.

— Some say that Christmas came into being through the influence of the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. (Festival of Lights), the version that Christmas, properly December 25, originates from Rome, more specifically from the pagan festival of "dies solis invicti natalis" seems to be consensual. (the birth of the undefeated Sun), in which the "Sun god" was honored when he began to head north. On that date, it was common for houses to be decorated with trees, friends to exchange gifts, people to carry out processions, etc.

— ARE YOU SAYING THAT EVERYTHING we know in this world as a concept of religion is connected to the cults of the Sun?

— Exactly — said Sandro with a smile on his face — pure Christianity was manipulated, and that's exactly what this sect is trying to bring out, but the best of all is yet to come, I know exactly who is wanting to do this.