— I BELIEVE EVERYONE has heard of Nazism. — Said Sandro Palmeira in his typical suspenseful tone.

Everyone nodded.

— Last year we faced one of their most influential offshoots, the Thule Society, known as the founder of Nazism, but I recently discovered that Thule was just a pawn in the hands of Andromacus von Cielo.

— After the sinking of Atlantis, the Cult of the Black Sun spread to many places, such as Africa, Northern Europe, Persia and especially Tibet. The dark sect of the Dugpas.

When Nazi researchers were in Asia in search of the mysterious lost city of Shamballah. Several Nazi explorers, among them Wilhelm Landig, Rudolf J. Mund and Jan van Helsing, confused the Cult of the Holy Sun of the Masters of Light with the Cult of the Black Sun of the Dugpas.

— In the heart of Nazism, Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer-SS (supreme leader of the SS) and chief of the German police, one of Adolf Hitler's right-hand men, in his unmeasured delusions of grandeur, embraced the cult of the Dark Sun with a fanaticism never before seen in that terrible period of our recent history.

— Himmler was the high priest of the Schwarze Sonne (Black Sun cult). The rituals carried out at Wewelsburg Castle, headquarters of the SS, were definitely the esoteric cause of the sinking, defeat and destruction of Nazism, due to which an extremely heavy and negative energy was attracted there.

— Himmler met with the twelve Gruppenführers, — high initiates — of the SS, at Wewelsburg Castle, and performed dark rituals around the symbol of the Black Sun. The Society of Studies for the Deutsche Ahnenerbe (Ancient History of the Spirit), better known as The Inheritance of the Ancestors.

— It was created on July 1, 1935. In its beginnings, it functioned as an SS Institute for Advanced Investigations and soon became independent. His mentors were Henrich Himmler, Herman Wirth and Walter Darre. There were forty-three departments of the Ahnenerbe, of which one was quite unusual, that which was devoted to occult activities.

— The interests of this true, highly select brotherhood were about the search for the Holy Grail, excavations of Atlantean vestiges, exploration and contact with the mystical cultures of Tibet, yoga practices, studies of ancient pagan cults, trips to the interior of the Earth to prove whether this is really hollow etc.

— The great leader of this section, after Himmler, was Friederich Hielscher, an enigmatic man for whom there is little data. Hielscher launched the famous expedition to Tibet (1938–39). The mission was led by anthropologist Ernst Schaefer, accompanied by five German scholars and 20 members of the SS.

— Under the motto "The Western Swastika meets the Eastern swastika", they managed to establish high-level political contacts with the Tibetan government which were manifested, among others, in the official declaration of friendship entitled Qutuqtu by Rva-sgren. The Tibetan regent put in writing the attention of the remarkable Sir Hitler, King of the Germans, who managed to achieve power over part of the world. Racial studies were carried out and a documentary was filmed.

— Among the documents that the expeditionaries took to Berlin was the Kangschur — a set of sacred Tibetan scriptures in 108 volumes —, as well as a tantric warrior initiation ritual of the Kalachakra. However, the most important and secret mission to Tibet had a less publicized objective, which was to establish contacts with the inhabitants of an underground kingdom, called Agartha or Shamballah. The result? The Nazi expeditionaries took to the German capital the worst thing in the world: representatives of the Dugpa Clan, worshiper of the Black Sun.

— BUT… — SAID DELEGATE Nuñes — everything you are talking about is pure speculation.

— They are not speculations — said Paolo — Juan Hernandes wanted to unmask this so-called Society of the Sun, but if our most illustrious Prime Minister had not joined in the conversation, these murders would certainly not have occurred.

— Juan Hernandes lost the legal battle, all could contemplate his public humiliation.

— And whoever said that losing a court battle means he wasn't right, not least because almost all the witnesses mysteriously disappeared, even Juan died shortly after so that no one knew anything.

— Let's start from square one — said the sheriff, a little disheartened.

— Quite the contrary, Tchesco — said Sandro — we have a key witness here with us who has not been placed as a witness in the case.

Everyone looked at him in surprise, then looked at Asaph.

— Who? — Paolo ventured in surprise.

— No one else, none other than you, my dear Paolo Martínez.