ASAPH WAS LOOKING AT THE SEA and noticed that someone had sat next to him.

— It's not like you to stare at the sea — Aisha said.

— I'm learning to create new habits.

He looked at her and smiled.

— Shouldn't you hate me? — After all, I put you in a wheelchair; you are one of the few people who can say they survived an encounter with me.

— For a long time I didn't thank God for the good things that happened to me, who knows if I change tactics things will get better from now on.

— Yeah, I know how it is.

— So what are you going to do from here on out?

— I don't know yet, almost half of all the Secret Services in the world are after me now, I'm going to take a break somewhere, enjoy life a little.

— But do you still believe in all that sunshine and all?

— I believe, but I'll keep this to myself, who knows if I have a son he will continue in the Society of the Black Sun.

Asaph nodded and continued to stare at the horizon, but she hadn't even realized that she had someone else along with her.

— Come on, Aisha — said Sandro Palmeira.

She smiled friendly.

— Sure, bye bro, see you around.

SANDRO AND AISHA WERE alone in the car.

— Want me to take you where?

— I'll stay anywhere.

— If you need anything, you know where to find me.

She nodded and said:

— Just tell me one thing, why did you release me? — I made so many mistakes in my life.

— Your life in itself was already a prison, I would like you to enjoy a little of the real life that was waiting for you away from this psychological slavery that hate has imprisoned you.

She smiled satisfied.

— Because I think all this is still not enough?

— Because it's not, everyone has a story, a beginning, middle and end, sometimes we know what's going to happen, sometimes we don't, simple as that.

— Something tells me you always know what's going to happen.

— Sometimes yes sometimes no.

They laughed.

Soon after, he stopped the car and she got out, patted the hood of the car twice and continued on her way.

AISHA TAKEN HER DIARY out of her bag, doused it with alcohol and burned it.

She watched the leaves burn and felt relief, in a very simple way she discovered why Christianity baptized people and claimed they had a new life from that moment on.

The weight of a past is too heavy for us to lift our heads and see the future...

Suddenly, a car stops and a tourist takes off his sunglasses and asks.

— Please, do you know which way Portugal is?

— If you want, I can take you there.

He looked her up and down and smiled.

This is my lucky day...

— Sure, let's go.