Ready let's see what we have here.
Beware angaru ..
My head, it was almost close, sir who does not look where his motorcycle passes, he does not have to almost run me over, he can not stay looking at the road well, what a problem with you and your lack of seeing ...
Excuse me, I don't have brakes, something damaged them, I don't know how it happened.
Something hurt them ..
Nanagzuki we have problems ..
Ball of pain: Hello, I present myself in a bad way, I am a ball of pain. They told me that today was the day to cancel Nanagzuki and everyone who supports her, but it couldn't be done so the one on the motorcycle dies.
Wait sir don't kill me, put down that gun don't know sir * help * * ahh *
* shot destroys his head in two falls to the ground dies from the impact *
I hope the others shut up.
Nanagzuki: hey, how do you come up with something like that, you are not ashamed, ask forgiveness, idiot, that is not done ok, learn first about all things understood, I am not a girl that you can fuck yes ..
nanag, take the shirt you can see almost everything ..
Oh my God, I can't handle you, it makes me very angry that I really despair that they don't let me feel calm, now I'll have to take out my Freid and I didn't want to.
wait nanag, it is not your celestial spear, double edged, yes but not now it is a bigger ax so now I can hold it for almost killing me ..
* makes an air of battle *
* aeo sacme, sword of the vindication make this demon go away with the strength of my ax you cut him into pieces *
ohh how scary now if the good starts ...