Finding the reason

John was thinking about the locked job or the new

power he got as he thinking a voice say to him

" If you dont want to choose a job yet you can just

increase your status, your body and learn new things " (the demon )

"Learn new things like martial arts or stuff about magic ".(John)

"But how about you do some quest or lets see what element you have more affinity". (the demon)

"Ok tell me what to do"(John)

"First i need you to tell me what element you feel more peaceful or like it to have that element." (the demon)

"The element that i feel more it should be perhaps,

wind." (John)

"Wind huh, but why that element ?" (the demon)

"I don't really have a reason,i mean everyone could like water or fire i guess my affinity is really bad."


"No, your affinity is really great in itself but if you add my magical power and if you train your body to the peak of itself, plus the evolution from the dark side for some required stages you can get

greater power,speed,reaction and better chanting

you can be peak of the dark martial artist."(The demon)

"Dark martial artist ?"(John)

"I forgot you never went to a war between humanity and other forces." (the demon)

"No i haven't, i have been inside some hospital's some time and have seen a lot of warrior and soldiers hurt or without a limb." (John)

"As exepted humanity gonna lose this war if that is the situation if a war start now." ( The demon )

"I still don't get it how us human win that war that it have more losses and meaningful conflits with other race than it does good." (John)

"Humanity win the war just becuase of a single man that defeated the other army side's."( John)

"A man ... you say a single man took an entire force of armies that could destroy all the strongest

awakaners at that time." (John)

"The strongest awakaners ? Hahahaa,if those were the strongest forces of humanity should have been

gone to dust if that was all that it have ." ( The demon)

"What powers did that man have to beat all the armies of diffrent races ? " (John)

" All of them , plus he was blessed with the power of light and darkness." (The demon)

"All of them !! This can it even be possible, if i am not wrong, than that man did have affinity with all four element's !!" (John)

"Yes he did have ." (The demon)

"I..Impresive so that could it be the strongest human in all history of the world ." (John)

"Yeah, Yeah he can maybe not, maybe yes." ( The demon)

"why do you sound like i said something boring ."


"Because is boring, just because he is the strongest human to ever live is not like he is the strongest being in the universe.There are creature that have just one element and have became kings

of their own world." ( The demon)

"Stronger than 6 element awakaner this could be a lie, but i thinked is just a legend."( John)

"Even legends have their own true story inside remember that boy, he fought just with light and darkness but were his weapons and punches touched the target it have different ability's." (The demon)

"Different ability's you say like what ?"(John)

"Can you imagine yourself being hit by a force of light and flame or a wall with darkness blessing and earth ?" (The demon)

"That would be definition of a ultimate defense and attack ."(John)

"Anyway leave the old story to the past in what country are we ?" ( The demon)

"Country? "(John)

"Yeah in what country of this world are we ."(The demon)

"Hahahahaha, that was funny." (John)

"What was so funny ? " (The demon)

"I mean we are in a city that don't have a name anymore."(John)

"What did you say ? Are you for real ?"(The demon)

"Yeah this what you see now is what normal people stay those who dont have a power or those whose power are too weak to stay in frontlines. "


"I get it so that mean people here are just meatshield for the country ." ( The demon)

"You catch fast on it . You are right if the war start we will be the first one to go down as the army stay and think about the plan . Truly a disgusted nature that humans have right ? " (John)

"A disgusted nature you say that because you know that when death would come to their door they would do anything on their power to stay alive ,even if it is to sacrifice the most loved one."

(The demon )

"So you have already seen it with your own eyes

that digusted nature and behave. Now i guess that gonna be the end of this great conversation." (John)

"Looks like you have made some plane ahead of time limit of quest or haven't you John ?" (The demon)

When demon did the question a digusted smile appeared on John face with eyes ready to kill ,because now he found what he didn't have :

power,knowledge , goal, anger and lot of enemies that were ready to be killed.